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Vehicle thefts down during the pandemic

The total number of stolen vehicles in the UK dropped by nearly 15% in 2020 while many of us were at home and able to watch over our cars due to the pandemic, according to new research.

Insurer analysed data from 26 police forces, revealing that 61,743 vehicles were stolen over the last two years – 28,454 in 2020, compared to 33,289 in 2019.

Overall, the West Midlands fell victim to the most crimes in the past two years. However, it’s Birmingham West that ranks top for the total number of offences, despite thefts in 2020 decreasing by nearly 21% compared to 2019.

While theft rates in Liverpool, Sheffield and Birmingham East also decreased last year, Doncaster saw thefts increase by 8%.

Top 10 vehicle theft hotspots

RankLocation2019 thefts2020 theftsTotal
1Birmingham West1,7301,3753,105
4Birmingham East1,0509912,041
7Brighton and Hove6725901,262
9Luton Borough6794861,165

Range Rover and Land Rover topped the league table for the most stolen and recovered vehicles across the UK.

Read the full breakdown of the Top 20 theft hotspots and tips on keeping your vehicle safe…

About Gareth Herincx

Gareth is a versatile journalist, copywriter and digital editor who's worked across the media in newspapers, magazines, TV, teletext, radio and online. After long stints at the BBC, GMTV and ITV, he now specialises in motoring.

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