Travelling in the snow, reversing around a corner and overtaking cyclists are among the most uncomfortable scenarios for motorists, new research has revealed.
A study of 2,000 drivers by flexible car insurance firm Cuvva found one in 10 dislikes or hates driving and nearly a quarter (24%) feel less confident now than they before the pandemic as a result of driving less over the last 18 months, with 16% going as far as to say they have ‘forgotten’ how to drive.
Top 25 things drivers feel most uncomfortable doing
- Driving in snowy conditions
- Driving in a new town or city
- Roads where there are lots of lanes and you need to be in the right one
- Driving in the dark
- Driving in wet and rainy conditions
- Lorries
- Overtaking cyclists
- Areas where there is lots of traffic
- Motorways
- Parallel parking
- Reverse parking
- Areas where there are lots of children (e.g. near schools)
- Country roads
- Roundabouts generally
- Areas where there are lots of pedestrians
- Changing lanes
- Buses
- Turning into a road on the right, and having to cross the traffic
- Reversing around a corner
- Learner drivers
- Giving someone else a lift
- Having to turn right at a roundabout
- Mini roundabouts
- Dual carriageways
- Having to do a three-point turn
The study also found 29 per cent of drivers try to avoid travelling outside of their local area to stay away from unfamiliar roads.
And a quarter are reluctant to give other people lifts – even if they are going to the same destination – due to their nerves.
Nearly one in five would take a longer route to avoid busy areas (18%) while 16% would go further than needed to stay away from motorways.
Others would plan their journey to avoid having to parallel park (12%), dual carriageways (7%) and roundabouts (7%).
Almost a fifth of drivers are also nervous about the prospect of long-distance journeys as the nation prepares for a summer of staycations, with 21% even planning their break around the length of the drive.