In order to make your vehicle’s performance smooth for the coming season along with better fuel efficiency, you need to look out for a few car maintenance hacks. These maintenance hacks can also be done by you saving you from extra repairing trips to the garage. Hence before heading out to work in the busiest season you would require a few check ups on your car.
Have a look on Car Filters
Driving continually without having an internal check on it can cause the car to decrease it’s efficiency with time. Similarly the car filters like air and oil filter, may be clogged if you haven’t checked them for sometime. A helpful advice is to clean these filters once in a while before you plan to go on a long route so that you do not face any car problem in between your peaceful journey. You can clean the air filter yourself by taking it out of the engine easily and using a portable vacuum to remove clogged debris. You can also wash the filter with the help of liquid detergent and warm water.
Are the Wheels Aligned?
It is extremely important to see if your car wheels are properly aligned to avoid any car trouble while you are driving. You can get an idea if your wheel needs to be fixed for alignment by having a look on few signs like,
- Tyres tread getting uneven
- Steering wheels automatically leaned to either sides even if the vehicle tyres are parked in alignment
- Vibration of steering while you are driving
Having your wheels aligned can also save you from losing control of your vehicle while you are driving that can result in uncontrollable road mishaps. Therefore, if you feel any of the above signs you should straight away take your vehicle to correct the alignment of your wheels. We suggest choosing a garage that uses a computerised wheel alignment machine to ensure your car is aligned with greater precision. London has many professional wheel alignment centres and it is crucial that you don’t neglect this part of your car. You can also get wheel alignment service in London from Iverson Tyres.
Check your Tyres
Having a look at the health of your tyres every month is important in order to achieve a smooth drive. Tyres play as important a part in car performance as the engine. In order to make sure your tyres are roadworthy you need to check on the adequate level of air pressure in the tyres to avoid unexpected tyre puncture. Another thing for tyres is looking at the tread depth , as driving your tyres for a longer period on different road terrain can diminish the tread depth causing damage to your tyres without you noticing them on time. For proper tread depth you need to check whether the depth is upto normal level that is 1.6mm for most of the tyres.
Driving Style
Lastly, having a good driving style impacts the car performance too. If you are a rash driver there are higher chances that your fuel efficiency will drop and you might damage any internal part of your car without getting notice of it. Your driving style can either increase your vehicle repairing cost or decrease it significantly. It is always better to go with a smooth driving style no matter how much of a hurry you are.